Don’t Lose Heart
By Vanessa Prophete
“Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap what we sow, if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 NKJV
As children of the Most High, we are called to be saints, led by God in the knowledge of Christ during all seasons of our lives (1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 2:14). Whether your current season involves financial hardships, negative news pertaining to health, the loss of a loved one, or family relationship issues, we must draw from the Word of God that is within us. God’s Word has the fullness of grace and truth. God’s Word says, “come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”(Matthew 11:28 NIV). God gives grace to all of His children in all circumstances. Though we may each face similar trials in life, we do not necessarily respond to these trials in the same manner due to factors such as difference in culture, upbringing, character, and differences in our understanding of God’s Word. Nonetheless, when life circumstances seem trying we have to be strong and courageous, standing on God’s Word, which states that “He will never leave us nor forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31:6). The New Living Translation (Deuteronomy 31:6) uses the word fail stating, “He will never fail you nor abandon you”. Fail means “to disappoint, deceive, or grow lean” (Strong’s Concordance). How wonderful, our God never fails us; we are being led triumphantly. Even when the situation seems disheartening, God works for the good of those who love him.
Faint not; we will reap the full reward if we sow seeds now during these present times. Non-believers spend each day sowing to the flesh by living carnal lives; this only reaps ruin. However, us believers we must sow to our Spirit man by living a life abounding in grace with steadfast faith in Christ. Sowing to the Spirit reaps an earthly harvest and eternal life! Paul is a great example of an individual who audaciously served the Lord with humility while facing constant persecution. Apostle Paul wrote several epistles while incarcerated in Rome (i.e., Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon). Paul’s experience of imprisonment involved really poor conditions, interrogations, small cells, and chains to list a few. Despite the circumstances, Paul demonstrated perseverance by not losing heart; he continued to share the good news of Jesus Christ in the midst of hardship (Acts 20:19).
Paul stated, “For I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). Meaning in all circumstances, whether we are abased or abound, whether we are full or hungry, like Paul we ought to still share the gospel and make more disciples. This is our divine mandate. We must build ourselves up in God’s Word so that we can be effective disciples. There are various aspects to Christian discipleship and one of the components to being a Godly disciple is the commitment to take up one’s own cross (Matthew 16:24). Taking up your cross does not mean to accept all of life’s problems. God’s plans are not to harm us but to prosper us and to give us hope and a future. Taking up the cross means to accept, dedicate,and commit yourself to undertake the work God has assigned to you. Succeeding in God’s plan for your life requires preparation, discernment of opposition from the enemy, development of the heart, and more.
Joni Eareckson Tada is an inspiring women of God who is taking up her cross daily by dedicating and committing herself to the plan God assigned for her life despite physical challenges. As a teenager in 1967 Joni decided to dive into Chesapeake Bay however, the Bay was extremely shallow. The dive resulted in her becoming paralyzed from the shoulder down (i.e., quadriplegic). Immediately following this life-threatening accident she received a 2-year period of rehabilitation in which she experienced suicidal thoughts, religious doubts, anger, and depression. Joni stated that God refined her faith, humbled her heart, strengthened her character, and cleaned up her thought life. During the rehabilitation time she also began to paint artwork by placing the painting tools in her mouth. In 2010 she was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer but she continued to trust in God for good health. Joni did not lose heart! Today, she is a well-known Christian author of over five best-selling books, a painter, and the founder/CEO of Joni and Friends, which is a Christian organization that provides support and outreach to special need families. She has also been married for over 30 years! Joni’s testimony reminds us that we should remain steadfast in the faith regardless of what our current situation looks like. We are disciples called to advance God’s kingdom. We are made right with God through Jesus’ blood. We are the righteousness of God in Christ, created for His glory. God made provision though Christ Jesus in which we are born again unto good works. Let us not lose heart while doing good, rather let us continue to sow into our Spirit man by building ourselves up in the Word. Let us set our affection on things above (e.g., peace, righteousness, joy etc.). Let us pray daily that the knowledge of God’s will be revealed to us through wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. Don’t lose heart- God never fails!