In a comprehensive and systematic way; students will only take the necessary courses related to their area of interest. This school was designed for the perfecting of those already serving in the local church and for those just called to the ministry. In an effort to equip those called to different areas of ministry, special license and degree programs are offered, enabling participants to become knowledgeable in particular fields of study such as: Biblical Exegesis, Counseling, Canonic, Theology, Christology, etc. These programs will help students to master biblical doctrines and become more confident in their faith, while enhancing their evangelical convictions and improving their understanding of apostolic teachings and church traditions. By attending Sabsam, one’s ministry will become more meaningful and effectual. Placed in a college setting and exposed to practicum and special seminars, students will not only receive spiritual and biblical knowledge, but will be taught how to encourage and train others.
Those who are called to ministry will have the opportunity to develop academically, biblically and spiritually for leadership positions in the body of Christ. Henceforth, with proper training, God’s call upon one’s life can be effectively answered. SABSAM offers a curriculum specifically tailored to equip believers with the skills needed. The Bible makes it clear that “man and woman of God” can only be “thoroughly furnished” for service except by the study and practice of God’s word (2Timothy 3:14-17; John 8:31-32; Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 5:12-14).
SABSAM was also designed to benefit those who want to increase their spiritual knowledge and understanding, and those who desire to apply their gifts to build the kingdom of God. The fact remains that church services, Sunday school classes, self studies and correspondence programs will not fully satisfy that desire. Some may contemplate joining a well established and reputable school, which in itself is commendable; however, throughout the years, the facts have shown that many who had purposed in their heart to attend such institutions particularly in the New York area, have experienced much frustration and disappointment. For a multitude of reasons, from high tuition costs to traveling accommodations, their expectations were rarely met while the expenses involved were outside of their means.